Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hammer and nail theology

It was refreshing really, to have light shine on my depravity completely awakening me to a truth that I had almost forgotten. I was thinking yesterday about the glory of God and how you and I were created for just that, to bring God glory in everything that we do and to push everyone around us in this direction as well. Sometimes however we feel like nothing more than a tool in the hand of God… There are days when we are the hammers in the hand of God building the kingdom one blow at a time, beating things into place and being completely confident in who he has called us to be. Other days are much different, there are some days in which we play the role as the nail and are beat upon. The weight of His glory bears down on us with relentless beauty causing us to surrender the idea that any of this is about us. The hammer seems prestigious in nature compared to the nail… but really they both hold the same weight of Glory. They both hold up that which is being built. That is why today I am ok with being a nail. It seems as though the beating is worth is when all those around you who you truly care about have in some way been pushed, carried and laid at the feet of Jesus. In this you find whether you be the nail, the hammer, or whatever you rejoice in it knowing our Father is receiving all the glory.

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